Friday, May 20, 2011

NYR 5-19-11 - directorships and parties

Jimmy recently found out that he's been named the director of his office for the next two years. It's a pretty big deal for a number of reasons and Mac and I are really proud of him (even though we know it means we're going to see less of him than in these last 9 months here).

Tonight we attended an official party at the Ambassador's house to bid farewell to the current director (who leaves next week) and to welcome Jimmy on as the new director.

Every event at this house is lovely - it's a beautiful house and it's always filled with huge flower arrangements and loads of servers walking around offering you drinks and food. In other words, I could get used to living there or maybe just being a houseguest because that wouldn't come with the pressures and headaches of the job that get you the house in the first place...

The party was wonderful. I'm not a mingler/party flitterer by nature - I'd much rather just find somebody I like and find interesting and talk to them - but I did the good wife thing and mingled and flitted as much as I could.

After 3 hours of high heels and a lot of Spanish, my back and head hurt, but I had fun.

For great parties and new jobs, I am truly thankful.

1 comment:

PB said...

Congrats to Jimmy!