Thursday, January 21, 2010

a little love as we get nearer to Valentine's Day

This afternoon I got my hair cut by my favorite hairdresser of all time. I won't call her by name because I'm going to tell a little story about her (but if you're in the area and need a great hairdresser, let me know!). We'll call her Jo for purposes of this story.

Jo is mid-40s, divorced, and has 4 children who range in age from early 20s down to elementary school. Jo has been dating this man for awhile now and so today, I asked her how it was going. She said really well. He's a teacher and a really nice guy and while she lets everything bother her, he lets nothing get to him, so he's a calming complement to her stress. He's good to her children (he has one child in college) and he's good to her.

She said that it made her sad that she'd just met him because all she can think about is all the years of her life that she wasn't with him that she can never get back. Isn't that sweet?

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