Tuesday, April 12, 2011

NYR 4-9-11 - helloooooo sao paulo!

We landed in Sao Paulo on time, got all our luggage, and after a very, very long car rental check-out, we were on our way to the Spinola household. I have never survived in Sao Paulo without my beloved GPS, aka Norah, and let me just tell you that printed-out maps from Google Maps just do not cut it. We were lost and found and re-lost and re-found, but eventually we got to Gisele and Flavio's house while we were all still speaking - a good thing at the start of vacation!

For a great visit with my BBFF and her family and an amazing lunch at my FARF (Favorite Arabic Restaurant Forever!), I am truly thankful.

For coming to a place that feels like home even after two years away, I am truly thankful.

For being in a place where it's perfectly acceptable to wear flipflops, I am truly thankful!

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