Thursday, April 28, 2011

4-28-11 - did I run a marathon and forget about it?

I had a private tennis class on Monday that nearly did me in. And then I had a tennis class with a girlfriend on Tuesday, and that really nearly did me in.

The tennis coach made us do all these squats in order to hit low balls. If I heard "bend your knees, Susana, bend your knees" once, I heard it 62 times over the course of 1.5 hours.

By the time I got home, I could barely climb the stairs to our second floor to take a shower. And forget about sitting down for any period of time and then trying to stand back up. My thigh muscles were just seized up.

By the time I rolled out of bed on Wednesday morning, it hurt just to touch my thighs. Don't get me started on how much it hurt to walk. I effected a very strange gait that involved hoisting each leg up without really bending my knee because when you bend your knee, you streeeetch that thigh muscle out. OUCH.

Wednesday was a rest day from tennis, but I didn't feel nearly recuperated enough to return to class today. But I went and immediately started complaining about my aches and pains as soon as I saw Jose. I needed for him to know that we weren't doing squats or any such nonsense today.

We had the best class yet. After a few days of feeling like I'd lost my entire tennis game and conditioning during a 2-week vacation, I needed/wanted a boost and this class gave it to me. All we did was hit the ball for an hour and I wasn't half-bad.

Well, there was that one time the ball went over the court fence and scared the gardener, but I think he had it coming because he was being very distracting with his weedeating.

For a great tennis class that I really enjoyed, I am truly thankful.

P.S. My thighs still feel like I've run a marathon, but thankfully all I have to do tomorrow is watch the Royal Wedding on the couch! I am so excited about this wedding but more on that later!

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