Monday, August 4, 2014


We are actively searching for a dog now. We're exploring all options from shelters to rescue organizations to Craigslist to the Carolina Trader. 

Let me just tell you that there are some not very smart people selling dogs out there. 

Allow me to share a couple of my recent favorites from the Carolina Trader that are representative of these people:
"Bonified"?  As in Bona Fide?  As in "genuine or real"?

"Doxon"?  As in Dachsund? An alternative spelling that I've also seen is Datsun. Like the old cars. Just so you know.  
I could give you other examples of dogs that "haven't bit nobody in my house" or that are "house broke". The list goes on and on. 

I hope our dog will be smarter than possibly its last owners...

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