Monday, September 19, 2011

NYR 9-19-11 - feeling sooooo much better

It's been a long week of stomach illness. But today I woke up and didn't have any of that uneasy unsettled feeling that you have when you know you have a tummy virus and it could erupt at any moment.

I felt well enough to go to tennis, which I hadn't been to in a week, and then I went for a haircut and stopped on the way home by the cupcake place for some "Moma is well, let's celebrate" cupcakes and muffins.

I would like to digress for a moment and tell you that if I ever open a cupcake store, which I will never do because I hate baking, but if I did, I would send customers home with bags that looked like this:

Then they could get home and pull out this pretty peekaboo box with the little cut-outs so they could see their delicacies inside:

And then when they opened up that pretty pink box with the complementary brown ribbon, they'd see all these little pretty gems:

But since I'll never be a professional (or amateur) baker, I'll just be thankful today that somebody else is and that I am feeling well enough to partake of their goodies!

1 comment:

Amy said...

From one who spent most of her year in Bogota feeling that same awful feeling... enjoy your cupcakes!