Thursday, January 1, 2009

lesson learned the hard way...

While preparing for our New Year's Day lunch, I made the congealed jello salad that is ubiquitous at every self-respecting Southern holiday meal. I even made the fancy one that my friend Caroline gave me the recipe for. So this morning I got the salad out of the fridge to put the yummy cream cheese topping on and it was not congealed. How could this be? It's jello, for crying out loud.

So then my mom asked if I'd put real pineapples in it. The recipe calls for crushed pineapples but you can't get those in a can here and we are in Brazil, after all, where fresh pineapples are cheap and abundant and delicious. So why not use fresh if you can get it? I actually was quite proud of myself for making my own "crushed" pineapple.

Well let me tell you why you don't use fresh: the jello doesn't set with fresh pineapple. Who knew that except my mom and my friend Trisha who came to the lunch and who is the only person raised outside of the South that I know of who's a true congealed salad lover? Well now I know and you may rest assured I'll never put fresh anything in a congealed salad ever again.

I hope your new year is off to a marvelous start.

1 comment:

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Tell Andrea that I am VERY impressed!