Wednesday, May 21, 2014

NYR 5-12-14 to 5-13-14

5-12-14 - I really detest exercising.  Like it's probably the only thing in the whole world that I hate.  HATE.  I was taught as a child that we shouldn't "hate" anything.  Rather we should "strongly dislike".
I hate, hate, hate exercise.

Back in January, we signed up to run a 5K Color Run with friends.  Since the event was coming up, I thought I should go out for a practice run this morning.  It very nearly killed me (and since I'm writing this in hindsight, I will admit that I was really sore for days afterward).

For surviving this little burst of exercise energy, I am thankful.


5-13-14 - Tonight we met 2 couple friends out for dinner.  One of the guys was in Afghanistan with Jimmy, and the other couple was in Bogota with us.  The Bogota couple is going to Thailand next and the Afghanistan couple lived in Thailand before, so that seemed like a good enough connection to get everybody together.  The Bogota couple told another Bogota friend that we were meeting out, and he and a female friend also dropped by.  Turns out they had a connection with the Afghanistan couple.  It's such a small, small world.  Why can't we all just get along?

Thankful for frequent reminders of how small the world really is.

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