Thursday, August 25, 2011

today's dilemma

We have an apartment building right next door to us that was finished and has become increasingly occupied during our one-year tenure on Calle 85. A few months ago, the people that live at eye level with our second floor moved in. They're a young couple, baby and about 2 maids and a nanny. They don't have a balcony on their apartment so we don't hear any noise from them (unlike their first-floor neighbors who throw loud parties on their balcony until the wee hours). But when I open my curtains in our bedroom in the morning, I can see across our balcony into their kitchen. And heaven forbid, I go out on the balcony in my pajamas to do something like water the plants because their maids look at me like I've sprouted an extra head. We are very close neighbors.

I don't know the layout of their apartment, but I do know where the kitchen and the master bathroom are. I know the kitchen because it's right by our balcony. And I've learned where the master bathroom is the hard way.

A few months ago, we hosted a going-away party and our neighbor lady provided quite the show. She likes to change her clothes right in front of the window of (what I assume is) the master bathroom (because the toilet is in the next little room over - no curtain there either so the throne is on full display). Friends who were at the party got quite an eyeful from the neighbor woman and subsequently dubbed her "Rackosaurus". A single guy friend even offered to be Mac's full-time babysitter just so he could stare out the window waiting for Rackosaurus to spring into action.

Lest you think we're perverts, waiting for a show, we really are just close neighbors. They have a flat-screen tv on their kitchen wall and I can tell you what show the maids are watching. We're that close. Last night as we were finishing dinner on our first floor, I saw movement in their window (a floor above where we were), looked across, over Jimmy's head and could see her taking her shirt off. Right there, smack dab in front of the window. And we have sheers on all our windows so I could see what was going on through the sheers.

I've come up with a few theories. She's either 1) newly moved from the country to the city and doesn't realize you have to behave differently when people can look right in your window; 2) she thinks she's got an "I can see you, but you can't see me" mirror/glass on that particular window (and she really doesn't); 3) she's stupid; or 4) she's an exhibitionist.

Assuming she's not #4, the thought crossed my mind that I should go tell her building doorman that she needs to change clothes elsewhere. But that would be embarrassing for me, for him and potentially for her, hearing the news from him.

Then I thought I could write her a note, asking her politely to change clothes elsewhere, and ask her portero to deliver it. But then she'd know it was us because who else would be able to see her at eye level and that would be embarrassing and I'd never be able to look in their kitchen again.

Then I thought I could go on the balcony one morning and motion for the maids to open the kitchen windows and I could try to explain the situation to them. But I don't know if their windows open and I'd look like a moron flapping my arms around.

I really don't know the solution to this problem but it needs to be stopped before the wrong people see it. Jimmy has a work event at our house on Friday afternoon. The guests will (hopefully) long be gone before she starts undressing, but can you imagine the horror of a night-time work function (which is when you can clearly see right in) and some big-shot minister of some government agency sees her disrobe. How embarrassing.

So what do I do? How do I solve this problem? Any thoughts would be most appreciated.


Amy said...

Make a BIG SIGN and stick it to the inside of your windows facing out so she can read it!

OH! OH! OH! Better yet! TAKE A PICTURE OF HER, blow it up, and stick THAT to the inside of your window! CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?

The Stone Rabbit said...

Wow, that is a situation! We've found many Europeans who don't really have the same qualms about undressing in front of others as we do. Did I tell you about the non-Embassy carpenter who came to our house and changed from his jeans into work overalls right in front of me and K. No, he did not put the overalls over the jeans, even though they were OVER ALLS and last time I checked "all" includes jeans. Anyhow, good luck with that one. It may just be that she knows and doesn't think anything of it. Let me know what ends up happening with that!