Tuesday, August 30, 2011

NYR 8-29-11 - illness and the tooth fairy

This morning Mac woke up with a raging sore throat. When I did my medical routine (flashlight looking down the hatch), I saw a red, puffy throat. Not knowing anymore how strep looks at our house (since it's looked different on the three occasions it's graced us with its presence), I hauled him into the health unit at the embassy.

There's a new doctor there and this was our first run with him.

The verdict? We love him!

He presented an entirely new approach to how we've been seen and it was very refreshing. Not only did Mac not have strep, but we got him on a new allergy medicine that worked its magic nearly instantly.

I then took Mac back to school since he wasn't contagious and don't you know that he went on to lose a tooth at school. He hasn't lost a tooth in 2.5 years (I know, I keep records of these things) so it was pretty exciting stuff.

For no strep and the tooth fairy making her appearance, I am truly thankful.

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