Friday, March 18, 2011

NYR 3-27-11 - the cornea evaluation

I had my cornea evaluation and I honestly felt like I was at the Mad Hatter's party. The first test involved a spiral of black and white lines - like a bullseye - with a light in the center. You had to stay focused on the center light while the lines started spiraling. My head was hurting by the end of the first exam.

Then I moved on to the second of the four tests which involved staying focused on this light on a screen (with my head pressed up to the goggle things to see the screen) while the technician did whatever she was doing. I didn't know if I could blink and all I wanted to do was blink. It was like a mind game that I lost.

The third test involved looking at this light (with your head pressed right up to the machine) until a puff of air is shot right into your eye. I jumped every time the air puffed no matter how much I told myself I was ready this time. (The only positive to this test was that the puff had some nice little faint scent that was very pleasant.)

The final test involved the technician smearing this stuff on the bottom eyelid, which immediately made my eyeball feel like it was swollen. The she started poking my eyeball with this computerized rod.

What did any of these exams test?


I got a big stack of beautiful color printouts to take to my ophthalmologist.

I read through the printouts before I delivered them to the doctor today, but they meant NOTHING.

I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back but until then, do I have any idea whether I'm a good candidate for Lasik?


For knowing that no matter what, I don't have to do those eye tests ever again, I am truly thankful.

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