Tuesday, December 8, 2009

another blow

Pinewood has this Gingerbread House with all sorts of low-cost gift options where students can buy gifts for parents, siblings, friends, teachers, etc. Mac came home yesterday with the slip that said his class was going to the Gingerbread House on Thursday. The note was attached to an envelope where you're supposed to write who the student can shop for and how much money he can spend.

When the note came home yesterday, Mac decided he wanted to buy something for Jimmy and me, so he wrote Mommy and Daddy on the envelope. He was willing to spend $20 of his allowance on us. WOW. I was flattered.

I should have sent the envelope with his money in today because this afternoon he announced he only wanted to buy Daddy a present.

That kid obviously does not know on which side his bread is buttered.

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