Sunday, November 16, 2014


My goals while the boys were away overnight were to a) clean the apartment and b) veg on the couch and binge-watch tv shows and movies. 

Both goals were accomplished. The apartment is clean (for the moment) and I watched lots of tv. I caught up on The Amazing Race and Parenthood and watched the movies Everybody's FineChef, and Love Actually, one of my favorite holiday-time movies. 

I probably needed about 3 more days to watch everything I wanted to watch, but I enjoyed my respite. 

1 comment:

The Stone Rabbit said...

I love it when boys go camping. They keep telling me I need to join, I keep telling them "no, I don't."

Get me an RV to sleep in and I'll consider it. Or, perhaps this new thing called GlamCamping has some promise. It is probably not that new, is it? Still, this new discovered alone time when they camp is just so hard to pass up.