Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween at the embassy

Yesterday we went straight from school (after 6.5 hours of partying) to trick-or-treat at the embassy. Now we've been part of a number of embassies and consulates for the Halloween season, but I've never seen anything like what I saw yesterday.

Different sections of the embassy chose their theme and then went on to produce an elaborate and extensive reenactment of the theme that was worthy of a movie set design.

Are you a Wizard of Oz fan? Well, here you go courtesy of the GSO section.

You're more of a Hansel and Gretel fan? No problem. NAS had that covered.

Harry Potter was covered in a hallway full of hogwarts and wizards. They offered Mac, aka Harry Potter, a job!

There was a lot of scary stuff, too - plenty of haunted house, creepy stuff that was spooky!

Even Mac's favorite Buddy, the Elf was present!

It was great fun. And I stand by my assessment that nobody does Halloween better than Colombians!

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