Friday, April 23, 2010

possible end of the world as I know it

Two things happened today that may signal the end of the world as I know it.

1. I can't tell you about the first one because it's not my business to share, but suffice it to say that if you look out the window and see purple pigs flying by, don't even bother to call me because I will not be surprised.

2. Jimmy and his sister inherited a house at Folly Beach when their uncle passed away two years ago. When I'm not at the baseball field, I am at this house. We've got a contractor working on the inside, but Mom and I have been doing the outside work. Today we were working and a guy who has some tenuous connection with the next door neighbor stopped by on his bicycle. Once he found out my connection to Uncle Charles, he told us that he was one of the last people to talk to Uncle Charles. They had their first-ever conversation in the yard and then Uncle Charles died unexpectedly that night. Then he went on to tell me that he'd had other conversations with other people who live right around this corner at Folly and they'd one way or another, but rather unexpectedly and tragically, died. I told the man to stop talking to us because I'm really not ready to be part of the cursed corner. So if something happens to me tonight, find the Folly Beach witch first. He winters in Costa Rica, so he says, so you may have to look there first if he makes a fast getaway.

I hate to be Chicken Little, but the sky may just be falling....

1 comment:

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

1. Good grief...what in the world is going on . I'm looking out the window but don't see any purple flying pigs.