Monday, November 9, 2009

science lessons at the dinner table

Tonight while dining on yummy tacos for supper, Mac and I were discussing his Weekly Reader where they studied the difference in mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish. He read to me about different animals and told me what category they fell into. After he read about zebras being mammals (and all the things that make them mammals, like having fur, giving birth, young drinking milk from mother, etc), I asked him what humans were. He said "mammal". Then there was a pause before he said "well, female humans are mammals." I thought he was hung up on the milk production thing, so I said that male and female humans were mammals, but only female humans produce milk for their young.

To which he said "yeah, and only females have babies."

To which I almost said, "yeah, except for that guy who was on Oprah and in People magazine who had a baby", but my good senses overcame me and I thought it best to save that for another day.

How in the world can you teach a child basic scientific principles when things change that much?

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