Friday, March 6, 2009

Waging war at the breakfast table? A definite on Egg Day

As predicted, we had a battle this morning over egg day. I made scrambled eggs again that were diluted with so much milk that there was hardly any egg taste at all. I put a little bit on a bagel chip topped with grated cheese. How can you go wrong with that?

Mac would not even entertain the notion of trying it. We tried cajoling, we tried begging, we tried to inflict that southern "but you gave me your word that you would eat the eggs" talk. NADA. So Jimmy told him that on syrup food day, we would eat waffles and he would not. He didn't budge.

He said he wanted an apple and I said nope. So we're still very much in the running for Parents of the Year because today, I sent him to school with nothing in his belly. I told him that he would be starving by snack time and he looked at me with disdain and said that snack time was early in the morning and he would be fine until then.

While we were waiting for the elevator to come, I asked him if he wanted me to run in to pick up one little bite-size piece to try on the way down. He wavered. I could see it. I was this close to victory. And then he said he'd be late for the bus so no.

Now that I'm determined in this mission, I will not be deterred by his resistance. He is going to eat eggs at some point in the not-so-distant future.


contigo said...

Wow! Do we live in the same house? My son is exactly the same. One compromise I try is that they have to eat as many bites as they are years old. I am not a stickler on the size of the bites but the number (although they have to be actual bites not just a "put it up to my mouth and pretend to eat" bites. It helps so that when they ask, "Why six bites?" I can say, "Because you are six years old." However, sometimes, I don't think anything really works! Good Luck!!!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I had a great visit with your mom yesterday in Corner Creations while we were getting our hair done. It was just like the old days back at BMS!