Thursday, July 24, 2014


I am sitting in the car place, waiting for the oil to be changed and the tires to be rotated and aligned on my little car. 

It is an assault on my senses, and I'm slowly going insane. 

ESPN SportsCenter is on for background noise. This is the least of my concerns as it sounds like I'm at home. 

There's a very overweight man sitting two seats down from me, who sounds like he's smoked 6 packs a day for the last 48 years. He's a mouth breather in a sleeveless shirt with hair coming out of the shirt around his neck. He's also angry because they ordered the wrong size tires and now he's going to have to come back. His muttering under his breath is like an elephant trying to sneeze quietly. Impossible. 

Across the way is a toddler who has shrieked about every 22 seconds for the last 30 minutes. 

There was a man directly across the waiting area from me who felt it necessary to play music from his phone without the benefit of headphones. He finally left. His seat and the one next to it have been refilled by a middle-aged woman and her older mother. The younger is showing the older what sounds like homemade movies on her phone. At top volume. 

I'm sitting next to the tire rack and it smells like my head is stuffed inside a tire. Eau de rubber has given me a massive headache. 

I'm thankful that I don't put many miles on my car and don't have to sit through this often. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Overstimulation! Run! Being in your head for a few moments cracks me up!