Thursday, October 1, 2009

cub scouts or bust

If I'd known how hard it would be to sew those blasted patches onto the Tiger Cub uniform, I would've never taken Mac to the registration meeting in the first place.

Sewing them on late last night gave me an idea for an easy business. When Mac and I went to the Boy Scout store on Monday afternoon, there were 3 families in there shopping for uniforms and all the accoutrements that go with the uniform, like the blasted patches. So why not set up a sewing machine on a card table right outside the Boy Scout store and offer to sew on patches for a fee?? I would have paid handsomely for somebody to sew them on Monday and I probably would've given a kidney last night.

As it stands now, I have only tacked them on at various spots around the edges. I sold my sewing machine in Brazil and didn't plan far enough ahead to have Bubby stitch these on with her machine. So it was me, some clear thread, and a needle that eventually bent because it was so hard to get through some of the patches.

I've told Mac not to pull on the patches today because they will come off with insubstantial force and he might be left with holes in shirt. I intend to enlist Bubby's help ASAP!

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