Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lucky and Goldy

Some 24 hours into Operation Goldfish and the fish are still operating. They are most definitely traumatized by the light, which to be fair is like an interrogation room light and probably burns their little fish corneas. Jimmy likes to turn it on to see them scurry down to the rocks, so I have unplugged it to avoid temptation.

The only major problem with the fish is that I can't get their water crystal clear and it's driving me crazy. This afternoon Jimmy took Mac to the movies and I decided to remove the fish and clean all the rocks and fish paraphernalia in the tank.  I scrubbed rocks and the silly fake tree, and I bathed the No Pescar (no fishing) sign and mushrooms that Mac picked out.

I refilled the whole thing, making sure the rock bridge was stable and wouldn't actually crumble on a poor, unsuspecting fish, I added the capful of the cleaner liquid and after waiting the required amount of time, I scooped the fish back out of their temporary holding tank, aka a Zip-loc bag, and put them back in the water that is still not crystal clear. Lucky and Goldy don't seem flustered by their less-than-Caribbean surroundings, but I don't want to be "those people" with the gross fish tank.

Maybe Ruth will have some home remedy to fix fish tank water????

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