At Bible Study on Monday, I was discussing one of the other women's diet. She's been on the Dukan Diet for a couple weeks and has lost double digits of weight. Those sorts of results speak to me, so I thought perhaps I should try the Dukan Diet as well. All you have to do is eat nothing but protein for a week, followed by a week of proteins only one day and vegetables the next. You do that (or some variation thereof) until you reach your goal weight and then there's a whole maintenance program. But proteins only for a week? I love turkey and tuna as much as the next person, but every day? Isn't there a reason they invented the food pyramid? Aren't you meant to eat fruits and vegetables and some nuts and stuff like that?
So I quickly came to my senses and realized that Dukan Diet would not work for me. I told this lady that all I wanted to lose was my midsection and she said that belly fat was entirely attributable to carbs. Now I love me some carbohydrates. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've never met a carb that I didn't love and that didn't love me right back. But I could give up some carbs if that resulted in midsection shrinkage, right?
Well do you know that carbs I mean everything. EVERY.THING. I'm pretty sure tap water has carbs. It's just incredibly depressing to think of all the carbs I've managed to squander between snacks and second portions and oversized helpings.
So now I've downloaded a handy carb counter app on my iPhone and I'm tracking everything that goes into my mouth. It really makes you think before you eat something. It also means I'm hungry most of the time, but this is a small price to pay.
I also bought a fancy scale today. It measures weight and body fat and BMI and body water content and who knows what else. It better start showing some results and soon. Between the headache and the constant gnawing hunger, I'm not sure how long I'll last without my constant intake of carbs.
(FYI, I have been exercising so don't write to tell me to get off the couch!)
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