Saturday, November 24, 2012

random musings

1.  We are currently watching the Clemson-Carolina football game.  The highlight for me?  The wings Jimmy made.  He cooked the best wings he's ever cooked and the three of us ate 39 wings.  Un.Be.Liev.A.Ble.  We will eat nothing but vegetables tomorrow.

2.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  After my threat to boycott after last year's Thanksgiving (in my defense, I'd just returned from a month of training in DC, I had just returned to work full-time for the first time in nearly 10 years, we had a houseful of company, and we'd invited even more people to TG on top of our houseguests), we hosted a very manageable Thanksgiving and I loved the whole thing from start to finish.
the table setting for Thanksgiving
3.  The dessert highlight of Thanksgiving was a turkey cake made by my friend Suzanne.  No, I am not kidding. It was complete with stuffing and fondant peas and carrots and Rice Krispie Treat wings and legs.    It was nothing short of brilliant.  I give you photographic evidence:

4.  I had to work on Friday after Thanksgiving.  It was a very long day.

5.  On Friday evening, I took Mac and three of our young friends to see Rise of the Guardians.  It was excellent, even though the "scary" bits ended with one girl in my lap and another with her arm wrapped around mine.  It was a great message and I highly recommend it.  

6.  What I know for sure after taking 4 children aged 10 and under to the movies by myself is that I'm not meant to have 4 young children at one time.  It's a bit like herding cats.  Everybody goes in a different direction, it's hard to make decisions at the popcorn line, there are decisions about "to go or not to go" when confronted by the bathroom, and there's just a lot of concern over whether everybody can get to their seat without spilling their popcorn or drink. Whew.

7.  Between Thanksgiving, Friday work, and the movie on Friday night, I was pooped.  I went to sleep at about 9:45 last night and slept until 8am this morning.  This moma was tired.

8.  We decorated for Christmas today.  We didn't put up nearly the decorations as we normally do, but we do have two of the smallest Christmas trees known to mankind up and lit and decorated.  I've tried to restrain myself since we're going on vacation soon after Christmas and I know I have to take down whatever goes up now before we leave.  There's definitely a feeling of Christmas in the house and that will be enough until December 25.

9.  We're now at half-time in the game and I'm not 100% sure if I'll make it to the end.  There must be post-Thanksgiving tryptophan still in my system or else the wings are narcolepsy-inducing.

Hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend!!

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