Saturday, May 19, 2012

what I've learned in the last 18 hours

Mac had a sleepover last night with four of his buddies.  We don't normally host that many at a time (CHAOS plus Type A mom don't always equal happy times), but we threw caution to the wind and had the whole crew over.  Holy Moly!  Here's what I know for sure from this sleepover:

1.  Five 8 and 9 year-old boys make a lot of noise.  A whole lot.  (Sorry downstairs neighbors.)

2.  The same boys who have to be prodded out of bed on a school morning can wake up all on their own with no problem at 5 am.

3.  Young boys at 5am make a lot of noise, despite repeated threats.

4.  Young boys at 5am can giggle like school girls.

5.  Boys eat A LOT.  A whole lot.  I don't know how that reality tv mother with those 20 children (or is it 19?) cooks for all those mouths, first of all, and second of all, I don't know how she affords the grocery bill.  They must have a big vegetable garden and raise cows and chickens in the backyard.  And these boys now are only 8 and 9.  We will have to have a vegetable garden and raise cows and chickens in the backyard before Mac brings home friends as a teenager.  Oh, and I will have to bake bread.  Lots and lots of bread.  Oh, and I will have to buy a 10-slice toaster.  Toasting 2 slices of bread at a time does not meet the urgent, hunger needs of 8 and 9 year-old boys.

6.  As long as boys have plenty of Nerf guns, flashlights, and a spray bottle of water (which is pretend Mace), they can entertain themselves for hours.

Despite repeated wishes for a houseful of boys of my own (years ago, not now that I'm old and set in my ways with my little family of 3), I realized that God gave me just about all I can handle on a day-to-day basis.  I'd love to be the house where the friends congregate, but it is awfully nice when all non-residents go home and the house gets quiet again!  Is 7pm too early to put Mac to bed tonight?

1 comment:

The Stone Rabbit said...

Oh boy do I hear you. We had a sleep over last year for T's birthday and it was chaos, seven boys total. This year S and T are going camping with a few other boys and Dads. He gets his sleepover and I get a quiet house for a night. Woohoo!!!