This toothbrush looks like a baby toothbrush. It has a very small head and very soft bristles.
Both of which I can't stand.
Which is why my gums have been brushed to the point that they're receding.
Which is why the dentist suggested this specific model of toothbrush.
This toothhbrush comes with a price tag that you might expect with it being Swiss and all. I mean, they don't give their chocolate away for free and neither do they give their toothbrushes away for free.
I opened up the package and in addition to the baby toothbrush, there was a toothbrush cover and instructions.
These are not your typical Oral-B instructions which if those even exist, probably just say something like "this is not a toy".
Those paltry directions just don't cut it for the Swiss.
Here are the instructions that came with my new toothbrush:

Skip over to Column B for the English (GB for Great Britain) instructions.
Who knew that you had lingual and buccal surfaces on your teeth? And that's before you get to the occlusal surfaces.
What does this even mean?
I don't really know except that I love Item #5 - After the buccal cleaning, lingual cleaning is on.
That sounds like a threat to me. The Soral Curaprox is telling the lingual teeth that it's bringing it after the buccal cleaning.
For those crazy Swiss, I am truly thankful.
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