These boys are my adorable, precious nephews, and today they were in a serious car accident with their babysitter on the way to their preschool. The boys, thank God, are fine thanks to God's grace and good carseats. Those poor babies had to be transported in an ambulance by themselves because the police wouldn't let my brother and sister-in-law through the roadblock to get to the accident site before the ambulance left. My mom was the first one to get to the hospital and as soon as they saw her, those brave little boys became hysterical, I'm sure with just the relief of seeing somebody they recognized and loved.
The babysitter did not fare as well. The airbag in her car didn't deploy and she has suffered some rather serious facial breaks and lacerations. She's scheduled for surgery at 7am in the morning. She's a young woman who's just graduated from college, her closest family is in the Northeast, and she is understandably nervous about having her face operated on with no real support network here other than my brother's family and her close college friends.
Would you remember her in a prayer as she comes to mind? I'd love for her to feel the comfort of those prayers and to feel peace and calm before she enters surgery tomorrow. She's in very capable hands at the Medical University of South Carolina, but we're also praying for steady hands and good decision-making on the part of her surgeon.
Thank you from my family to yours.
Oh good heavens...I know everybody was scared to death. Glad the boys are OK and will be thinking good thoughts for the sitter.
Oh my goodness. When I read your nephews were in a car accident, my heart just dropped. One of a mother's greatest fears. I am so glad to hear that your nephews are ok. We will definitely keep their sitter in our thoughts and prayers!
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