Today Mac's class had their annual assembly. Their assembly was one of the earliest in the school year, which put a lot of pressure on their teacher, but I'm happy we got it out of the way early! They put on a cute little play about adding/multiplication. I would link it here but there's really no need to watch it unless you're one of his grandparents in which case your viewing pleasure is mandatory and I will email you the video!
After the play, they gave out awards to Year 3 and Year 4 students. Mac is now a Year 4 (3rd grade) student. The awards included things like "best effort in Spanish" and an award to a new student for being brave in her new school. The last award given was the "Writing Award" to the Year 3 or 4 student who had produced the best writing since the last award was given. Mac won the award for his poem which you can watch him read below if you are so inclined (and really, you should be so inclined).
Seeing as how Jimmy and I are of the "roses are red, violets are blue" school of poetic thought and ability, we are so proud of his work. The thing about this award is that Mac gets to keep the little trophy until the next Year 3/Year 4 assembly at which time it will be given to the next student whose writing is selected as the best.
Watch this next video and see what Mac's response was to having to bring the trophy back to school (around 0:20).
I love this kid.
For our budding author who's got a great sense of humor, I am truly thankful.
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