Thursday, September 15, 2011

NYR 9-14-11 - the virus is back

Last night, my lunch revisited me in the form of vomit. Remember how I just told you how much I hate vomiting? Yours or mine, it makes no difference. I hate, hate, hate that violent act of expulsion.

So after a very bad night, I spent today on the couch. I watched more Food Network and HGTV than you care to know or I care to admit. I even watched What Not to Wear and realized how grateful I am that my friends like me well enough not to turn me in to Stacy and Clinton, although I would gladly have them dump my wardrobe in the garbage can for a $5000 shopping spree in NYC.

It was that sort of day.

I am happy to report that by the end of the day, I was feeling much better with the exception of some very achey legs which I had the last time I had a virus.

For short-lived 12-hour viruses, I am so thankful.

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