Monday, January 28, 2013

it'll cure what ails you

I got a full-blown airplane-induced, jetlag-exacerbated, sinus-y, cold-y thing two weeks ago.  It started on about a Thursday, really manifested itself by that Saturday and by last Tuesday, I was just plain miserable.  I tried all sorts of remedies that we Americans take.  I popped Sudafed, Mucinex, Mucinex-D, plus I gargled with hot salty water over and over and over, all taken around regular doses of Advil and Tylenol.

Nothing worked.

I didn't sleep from about Friday night on until Wednesday. I was grumpy and shut the door to my office so nobody would talk to me me.  A coworker saw me on of my few trips out of the office that day and asked what was wrong.  I told her I was sick with a cold and she told me a home remedy to try.

Since all the 'modern medicine' had failed me, I was willing to try anything.

The recipe:  cut up some fresh ginger in a pot, squeeze some lime juice in, and boil.  Strain into a cup, add honey, stir and drink.  But only do this just before bed and at no other time during the day.  Oh, and if you're feeling up to it, add pepper before you drink it.

Well I came home and after getting Ruth's ready and eager consent to use this home remedy (as if there were any doubt that she'd approve of it), I sent her to the grocery store for ginger and limes.  She made sure to stress that "you can only take this right before you go to sleep."

Got it.

So I brewed my witch's brew having no idea of the exact proportions, drank it and went to bed.

Where I slept.

All night long.

And I woke up feeling better than I had in a week.


I took another dose of the brew on the second night as well.  Better to be safe than sorry, I say.

I have been well since then.

I am a believer.

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