(For the record, Mac only has an email account because it's required for school. They're trying to teach things like internet safety.)
Mac got logged on and read the email from his friend, which I read over his shoulder with his permission.
It was written in red (which she said in the email was her favorite color.)
It included the words "Mac you are very funny. I like you."
Which was followed by the following emoticons:

Now I'm sure that this is 2nd grader innocence, but my child got an email that has a kissing emoticon with a heart floating up from it, a red rose, and a big smooch emoticon.
The only thing missing was "will you go with me? Please check yes or no." Oh wait. I'm showing my age. These things probably aren't done that way anymore.
And maybe I'm just reading entirely too much into this. Mac was completely unfazed by the whole thing. He answered the email (his favorite color was blue; yes, he had a great time at Fun Day; and his favorite thing at Fun Day was the go-carts). No red hearts, no roses, and no kissing pac-man faces. Whew.
For an 8 year-old boy who is completely oblivious, I am so truly thankful.
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