Today at Wal-Mart while shopping for essentials before our packout, it was as if the metal roof opened up and the sun came down to shine right on this:

I am the world's biggest fan of the Schick Personal Touch razor. Even after nearly 4 years living in Brazil, I'm still a leg shaver as opposed to a waxer, and the Personal Touch has been my razor of choice for 20 years. Personal Touches were eco-friendly before it became de rigueur; you just bought that big chunky razor and replaced the blades as needed instead of buying those orange disposable razors. We are talking smooth shaving that must have pulled the hairs out by the root because it took ages for stubble to appear. And it had a considerable weight and design that just fit in your hand right.
When we got home from Brazil and after I used up my supply of replacement blades, I tried to find blades and there were none to be found. I panicked. Maybe there had been a recall? Maybe they put too much aloe in the little strip above the blade or something? I searched for a long, long time and could not find any replacements anywhere. My beautiful brown razor sat on the edge of the tub, unused, forlorn, and sad.
What I should have done was search the internet.
But alas, I did not. I mean, if Wal-Mart and Target don't have it, then surely it must not exist, right?
(That was tongue in cheek before you fuss at me.)
After obviously buying the necessary replacement razor (which has left me stubbly about 20 minutes after shaving and therefore unhappy), I finally threw out my Personal Touch after months of not using it. It was a sad day for me. In 20 years, I've owned 2 Personal Touch razors - I had to buy a second one when I worked for the FDIC because we were working at a bank in Myrtle Beach and I forgot to put my razor in my travel bag. Fortunately I had the two of them because one fell off a shelf at a dive hotel in Mozambique and cracked in half on the tile floor. In case you can't tell, it's been a real love affair - can you remember the history of all your razors over the last 20 years???
I had given up on looking for the replacement blades since I no longer owned the razor. Until today. My moment of bliss came in Wal-Mart of all places. I was trying to figure out how many replacement blades I'd need for two years for the pink, plastic, stubble-producing razor I'm currently using. The answer was too big to figure out without a calculator.
Then all of a sudden, I saw the Personal Touch replacement blades.
There was no Personal Touch razor in sight, but I thought to myself that surely I would be able to find one somewhere if they still sell the blades. I went to my old friend,, and I have now ordered a new Personal Touch razor from some store called The Razor Shoppe. I am so thrilled that I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.
I am not a hoarder by nature, but I intend to buy as many replacement blades as I can get my hands on. A future crisis must be averted.
I LOVE how you get excited about the little things in life just like I do! I had been using the kids 2 in 1 shampoo & conditioner because the commissary doesn't sell my conditioner and I kept forgetting every time I was at Target. Then the other day I remembered in Walmart and they had NONE. Not even a spot on the shelf next to the shampoo for the conditioner. But Target saved the day and I'm pretty sure I embarassed the stuffing out of my sister when I happy-danced my way through the store!
I've used this razor for 30+ years and only in the last few months realized I couldn't get blades for it any more. So sad. Such a great shave, blades lasted forever, and reasonably cheap. Schick told me "there wasn't a demand for them" - yeah right, I think they lasted too long and they'd rather sell those overpriced Intuition things that need constant replacement.
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