Unfortunately, when I picked him up at the end of the school day, Mrs. S said he talked and talked and talked nonstop, was disruptive because of the talking, talked out of turn, didn't wait to be called on with his hand raised, etc. He got a green frog taken away from him (their disciplinary system) and Mrs. S said nobody should ever have a green frog taken away on the first day of school.
I was floored.
I was dumbfounded.
I was embarrassed.
I was really upset because I hadn't been having such a hot day to begin with.
So I thanked Mrs. S and told her we'd deal with this at home.
In new situations and around people he doesn't know, Mac likes to show off and when he shows off, he talks nonstop. I am hoping this is what happened today. Mac really doesn't get bad behavior reports in school (at least up until now).
However if we have a repeat performance, I have told him that he will no longer have football to look forward to and those fabulous cleats that he'd sleep in if I let him will be going back to the store.
What a crummy first day of school.
And then we went to the "evaluation" for flag football.
This evaluation was supposed to run from 6 to 7:30. Well Mac's bedtime is 7:30, and I knew he needed a good night's sleep after today's early start, so we got there early because I thought we'd get in the line and get through faster. Didn't happen. They weren't ready early and so as more and more people gathered and waited, there was just more and more chaos. Finally they started talking around 6:10 and we rushed to get through all the 7 stations and out of there by 7, to stop at Burger King for fast food, to get home, showered and in the bed by 7:45. I am pooped. But Mac had fun at the evaluation and met some children and I met some parents and that's done. Now we wait to find out when his practices are. One hour a week plus a game is what they say. We shall see.
1 comment:
Oops. Sorry it was a stressful first day. He was just excited. I talk a lot when I'm excited too!! Looking forward to a better report today.
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