First of all, that's Kurt Cobain, not Jimmy, on the cover!
This is quite possibly the coolest thing that has happened to anybody in our family, but an interview with Jimmy was just published in the Brazilian Rolling Stone magazine. WOW!
The guy did the interview a month or so ago and we weren't sure it would be published, but it came out yesterday. WOW WOW!
I don't even read Rolling Stone magazine because I think you need to be way trendier than I am and know way more about music than I know, but I bought my first copy yesterday. It was wrapped in plastic and I asked the guy at the newstand if he had an opened copy (a la Barnes and Noble) that I could look through first. I didn't want to spend R$9 if this wasn't the right edition. He only had one plastic-wrapped magazine (apparently we live in the neighborhood where they sell more home magazines and less rock and roll magazines). So I bought it - and of course told him that my husband was in the magazine (I thought).
I walked nonchalantly down the street until I was out of his sight before ripping off the plastic to scan the table of contents. Jimmy was in the table of contents. WOW. It wasn't like he was part of some compilation article where he didn't get a mention. He had his own section with a page number.
It's a whole one-page article and you know Rolling Stone is an oversized magazine, so it's a lot of words and this very serious picture of him. He looks super-smart and official and handsome with his dark suit and fancy glasses.
When I found out about the interview, I immediately thought I might get to be in the magazine. Don't those magazines always have a picture of the couple lounging on their sofa in the fancy apartment, glass of wine in hand? Okay, well that was a fantasy. So then I asked if Jimmy could at least mention me in the article. Reportedly, he mentioned me six times in the interview (and he says he has the interview tape to prove it). But wouldn't you know I didn't get a single mention? Granted, the published interview didn't give a lot of opportunity to discuss me. The questions were about Obama's plans for diplomacy, the Taliban, the Amazon, Jimmy's role in Afghanistan and other matters of foreign relations. And I'm quite sure it would've been difficult to mention me in the context of those subjects. I mean, was he supposed to say "the US is engaged in Afghanistan to fight the atrocities of the Taliban, and did I mention my wife, Susan, doesn't wear a burqa?" Tough transition, you know?
We don't have a scanner but once I find a scanner, I'll scan the article and include it here. It's SO cool!
I want to see the article!
Wow! Jimmy is so now, so hip, so much cooler than . . . I don't know. That is awesome - congratulations!
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