As you know, Mac attends an American school here in Sao Paulo. Although the Brazilian school system runs from February to December (to correlate to their southern hemispheric summer), Mac's school follows an American calendar, running from August to June.
Except for this interminable Christmas holiday. School ended for the Christmas holidays on December 12 and doesn't start back until January 26. In case you're counting, which we are and have been since December 15, that's 30 - yes 30 - weekdays (although in all fairness, three of those were holidays for Jimmy and so shouldn't count). We don't count weekends because the reinforcement, aka Jimmy, is home.
So we're down to 6 work days nows until school starts back (but one of those is the MLK holiday on Monday so it doesn't really count since Jimmy will be with us). There's a lot that has to happen in 6 days.
1. We're off to get a haircut today as Mac has not had one since the end of October and he's looking pretty furry. Jimmy offered to cut it (remember the beard trimming/clipping set?) and pay Mac what the professional haircut would cost because Jimmy wanted to test his skills, but Mac (remembering the beard trimming/clipping episode) said no.
2. Buy new school pants as Mac has grown and high-waters are still not in style.
3. Get back on the school schedule. For the first time in his life, Mac has been sleeping in! It used to be that no matter how late he went to bed, he was still up by 7am. This Christmas break has provided us with a wonderful and unexpected gift - when he stays up later than his normal bedtime, he sleeps in later than his normal wake-up time. Last night he went to bed about 9pm and slept until 8:45 this morning. It's such a marvelous thing and we didn't even have to wait until he's a teenager!!
We're off to work on that haircut now!
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