Last night I spoke with the Giginator, aka my mom, for Valentine's Day. She asked why I hadn't updated the blog lately. No excuses really except that life got in the way. Now that I have this thing called a J-O-B, time is at a premium around the old homestead. How I miss the days when my only time management problem was how to play tennis and have time to shower before meeting the girls for lunch. Boy, do I miss those days.
Now if had to blog about my life, it would read something like "get up at 5:15; shower, dress and wake Mac up by 6; practice drill sergeant routine to get him dressed, fed and out the door by 6:24; go to work; make decisions that could cause a jail sentence; realize that my 2pm headache might be from lack of lunch; tell people who come into my office at 3:47 to speak fast because they have 6 minutes to talk before I have to leave to catch the shuttle; ride home on the shuttle with people who talk incessantly about their pets' bowel movements; get home by 4:45; do battle over homework that results in one of us in tears; figure out what to throw together for dinner; eat; act as drill sergeant so Mac gets into bed at the right time; collapse in chair; move to bed; collapse into fitful sleep. Rinse and repeat and do it all again."
That's the daily drill these days. With that said, all is well - if not a bit tired - on the homestead. Just not a lot of excitement to report. But I shall make a better effort to find something interesting to report, if only to the Giginator.
Now to leave you on a higher note... One of our dinner topics always, always, always revolves around what Mac had for lunch. It starts something like this:
Jimmy or Susan: so what did you have for lunch?
Mac: guess.
J/S: chicken (this is the correct answer 98% of the time)
M: what else?
J/S: carrots? (he's required to have 3 things on his plate and carrots are usually a safe bet.)
M: what else?
J/S: lime slice? (sadly, this counts as his third item more days than not.)
M: no.
(This is where last night's conversation veered from the norm).
J/S: hmmmmmm. Cucumbers?
M: no
J/S: hmmmmmm. Bread?
M: yes. Guess what kind?
J/S: baguette?
M: no
J/S: slice of sandwich bread?
M: no. Do you give?
J/S: yes.
M: croutons!!!
I am so happy that my hard-earned money is going to pay for what amounts to a very expensive school lunch (and mandatory - bagged lunches are not an option) of roasted chicken, carrots and croutons. (For the record, there are other options but my picky child, who has always thought school lunches were the best thing ever, now hates school lunch.)
Tomorrow is a new day. Will it be another Groundhog Day of the same old, same old or will there be something new to report? Stay tuned... If the suspense doesn't kill you first....